Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Last Days in H319... Take Note That THIS IS NOT MY LAST WORDS lolx

Well, Its been great to know u guys from TARc. I will surely not forget the days passed by, the laughter, the joy, the quarrellings, and even the sad days. After the student thingy has been done, my stay in hostel room H319 also comes to an end.
Thank For Your 4 years of Care. Its been greatful for me to stay in this room for this long. =)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Memories of 3.5 Years Pass =)

Let me start with, well, this phrase:"Whenever there are meetings, there will be parting". In which this case, it is true. Its sad to say, but this is life.
Let me tell you briefly about what I've been doing since the last 3 years. One word can describe it all... "AWESOME". XD

From the first day of class in Tunku Abdul Rahman College, I'm a nobody. The old me was (well, now mayb is still are) quiet, shy, sit in the corner type. The first dude I met and caught up with, is Garren, and the second dude i talked to in the first day of class, is Mun How. So, three shy guys hanging out. Ain't that fun? After meeting with my classmates, I felt that, well, others too are having the same feeling, which is "how to mix around ya?" But eventually the whole class did grouped up, no matter on which place you are from, which dialect you speak, everyone manage to group up with the whole class.

Besides the life at day, my life at night with my hostel ganger also is fun like shit. Living in hostel, room H319 is the most challenging life I've ever had, sleep at 2-3am everyday to DotA with the dudes like Jordan Kee, Ng Chee Seng, and Yong. Countless nights of marathon DotA, countless times I've slept in class. XD
Life is just ain't fair, parting a family of us which we don't have much fun times together (mayb because fun times are always not enough? Don't know) But all i know is that, it is fun knowing u guys, and let faith decides our next meeting together.
So Long, TARc and my 3.5 years of memory. =)

Try pull his tongue and see what happen next. =)
Presentation Day

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Promised Post, UKM Trip...

Its sad... Sad like a breezy rainy day... Why? UKM Trip was a complete, how to put it politely? Busy... Ya, that's it, busy... Its been kinda, err, busy, in UKM due to the mountain sized amounts of pipettes available there.

As an intern, going out is always fun; meet funny faces of other people, whether we can all laugh about or nice to look at (chicks there, some are HOTttt... apart those who wears a piece of cloth on their heads... I'm not a racist, ya know? Just not interested in them that's all.^^ ); Some we laugh about their facilities; And some, we even enjoyed it. =)

Nonetheless, the trip was actually rated 6/10 for the overall progress... What we did there was actually to check their pipettes using a piston-liked air pressure detector, to check on is there any leaks... for a pipette, its crucial to check there are no leakage as it may affect greatly for their projects and thesis... Its also crucial for men to check if there are no leaks too, IF you get what I mean. XD
Here's an example of the most hilarious dialog of the 3 day trip. This Dialog was made when "3Hoe" walks out of the toilet with the pipette checker. Earn*** saw him and said:" Why you bring the checker to the toilet? wanna check is there any leakage ar??" The whole group from a bunch of tired dead, hungry Ep group, blast into laughter.

The other things we did there was also to check the centrifuges and other machines for maintenance. The first day there we went on a block of labs... Please don't get me wrong, its not A lab, its A BLOCK of labs... This block consist of 4 floors, which each floor consist of over 10 labs... Image you were the ones running here and there? =)

The trip there was awesome... we were busy shit... Lunch at 1.30 for 2 days? Come on, stomach's priority come first... And there are lack of time for me to even snap a perfect, all group photos too, and that's kinda disappointing for me...

Most trip blogs will ended up "I wanna go there again", or "its awesome there and I wished to live there forever". Sadly, mine will end up like this: "Shit, please don't bring me there anymore. Although its fun there, but 3 days combo? Come on, this isn't a trip. This is a nightmare. Next time I could drive there closing my eyes dy... =_="

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Down Weekend = Most Unfortunate Weekend


Do you remember last time I blogged about being Barney? The Awesomeness just came overflow like larva... O, that's not it should be placed to describe it, well then, just came overflow like fountain... that should do it... Anyhow, I truely are at a path of being awesome (practice mode), but hell the weekend just kept turning into a nightmare... To those who chatted with me over MSN or phone, I might not seems like I'm down to the Earth, but HELL YEAH I AM!!! I'M DOWN LIKE SHIT ONLY!!!

Yeah, the title explains it all... To tell ya the truth, to practice the awesomeness factor number 1: Think LESS, Do MORE... is not a fairly easy task... Tell ya why. Last week, I set for my resit paper. There I've start thinking, Why the hell I scored a C- in the first fucking place?? Leading me to sit for this fucking exam for the second time... Wasting my precious time, my energy and my money... I cursed on and on... and there is no end to it. Well, the exam came out disappointing; Anything I studied, not all came out, formula of the maths I've spend few freaking day to memoriez, I forgotten it when I saw the paper... Unfortunate things came on and on, as if I was cursing myself in the first place...

That's a sad thing to happen to me, well AS IF you all know how this was like... To add this pressure up, my thesis title, SOOoooooo Sadly to say, my title was on the tip of a blade... meaning? It will fall anytime, or even cut my freaking self... To be honest, this title was my second title after Ms Wong rejected my 1st title, which she complained the supporting journals are as old as your grand-dad... Old journals, REJECTED... Luckily, that time was still early for the confirmation of my thesis title, but the second title, I face some of the probs... there will be some overlapping with a senior's work which that senior had presented last year... GREAT OH GREAT... Of all the 10 million science topics we could discussed, why there is a clash on titles?? Pure bad luck? or izzit the gods are on to me? I don't know, and I don't give a freaking care... Now the date line for the title submission along with supporting journals are so goddamn near, the only thing i can say is... "FUCK FACE BETUL"....

Come on, this pathetic little me is just a piece of shit to ya, and still you wanna get on to me?? wad do i owe you?? and these probs are just the beginning, but also the most crucial factor on my breakdown, again... There are tonnes of it too... just that I don't really wanna talk about it...
NOW, I'm a piece of shit... later on, I might just turn this unfortunate weekend to a PERFECT WEEK next week... Don't freaking JINX me... I needed that week, but of cause not nailing 7 chicks in a row for 7 days... =)

Sorry for the rudeness... I just needed to release abit... Next blog, hopefully on Wedness or Thursday would be on EP service for my internship in UKM... Please Look Forward to it...

Alex The Down...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The New, The Awesome, Me. ^^

Some people say that when you can't do it, you really can't... There are too when people say give it up, you think hard to find a way to deny that fact, which later on you'll end up giving up... These are the two most common advice in a situation when you are facing a very deep sh*t trouble and having a deep sh*t mood... Now that's me... I faced that situation, and i ought of giving up, and i really almost gave up... Now that's me, but that was a few hours ago...

"So wad's ya sits bro?" my buddy asked me that... I told I was thinking of someone, and alot of things coming (or pouring, this should fit perfectly) into my mind... Alot of "what IF''... If I ever have a time machine, I would like to slap myself back at that time... =)
Anyways, back to the point, I was totally wasted, pathetic and, and, and... you can continue on that; I was totally down... Now, the only motivation for me to give me strength, to stand back up, stand straight, and be a man, was the idea of awesomeness... This idea was actually adopted from our all-time favorite sitcom "How I Met Your Mother".

What is the definition of awesomeness, you might ask... Right now, I do not have the answer... The real definition is up to yourself, really... But as for me, I have found the way to live up for myself... Up till now, in this short few hours of revising on my old me, I have gone through these few little steps of changes;

Changed Feature no.1) Try not to overthink!
- As all lads out there know, I often think too much... Yes, I AM punching myself in the face... XD No, seriously... I often heard people said, just be bold... I was like: "ya serious? WAD IF you get fail?" See?, now that is a "wad if" i highlighted... Going through this process will surely let me think less, act more, fail more, and re-do more, fail again, re-do again until i met my success...

Changed Feature no.2) Be more confidence!
- As a cancerian, its normal for me to be lack to confident... is that right? NO!! I've always blamed it to my horoscope, although 70% of the written personality was true... So that's what I thought, cancerian = think more, do less for the beneficial of not getting a 'F' for everything...
Yes, the prophecy about an attitude of a cancerian is true, even so I might just like to be the special shining crab... ^^

Currently I have re-think AND doing these 2 major changes... which I hope it will bring much more success and honor to me and to my bro which we both is achieving awesomeness...
Wait for it, till the day I would stand firmly and say: "wow, I'm AWESOME..."

By the one any only,
Alex Chee

Friday, April 2, 2010

The World Outside of TARc


When you started to enter a college which you will be going everyday, how do ya feel? Happy? Do you feel you have entered the right college with a fully equipped college? Yeah, I do. And honestly, I'm not proud of it. Serious.

Why I have started this weird and awkward topic, it has all started with an exciting day (and actually ends with one too, but I'll get to that later) with nothing abnormal except for me and my dude going to Taylors College for a corporate training for the freshies in Taylors. Field trips, who just don't like field trips? =)
Back to the point, this training conducted by our company's application specialist has one and the only one mission, which is to train young scientist, pretty much like us, how to hold a pipette firmly and correctly and also to promote our product. Ops, this is the 2nd hidden mission... XD Sounds easy? Yeah, it does actually, and as interns, we was assigned to take pictures of the whole event for corporate purposes. Now, I have been to alot of weird place, but a newly build high-class campus? hell no... This was definitely the first time I'm in a full-of-cement smell college...

When we reach, the outer side was totally empty... No glass windows, just a tall peach- coloured wall... "What is this? A shopping mall?" Dino said... I totally agreed with him. Very pity I didn't get their wall's picture, and this is a mistake which I shouldn't have done. Anyway, the campus is just like a shopping mall itself. With the limited space of land, the buildings were build verticaly. This means all the buildings there, are tall... It is so not like our little TARc... XD

That was my feeling of going to a larger and higher-classed college in Malaysia, which I guess there are alot more of creative or bazaar college designs... Try to think how would I feel when I'm in the states? A worthwhile to find it out... XD

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Ultimate Challenge For Being Rich, Is To Change Your Mindset

Hey again,
As you have probably know, I havn't post any blogs for up to half a year (well, almost). This is due to the activities I'm involved in, as I'm quite a hands-full for the past 5 months. SO, as a return, I'll post something useful in the topic of today's blog.

Based on the title above, this is what I have learned from a presenter from a stand-alone company, the CEO of JeVince, Vincent Cheng. Before I begin, I would like to ask you a simple question; Do you think that you would be rich and famous (or either 1, in a good way of cause) one fine day?

That is the first question when he ask the both of us, the mere small existing interns from TARcollege which aged around 21~22. Nope, not at all said both of us. Now, everyone is possible to become rich, not by working your ass off, nor being so hardworking working 24-7 around the clock, and definitely not by bringing an AK-47 to the bank. =) I hope I didn't hit any bull's eye for anyone of you out there.

No. The secret lies on what is your mind set is. What he said was, if u think it is possible, than you can do it; whereas when u think you can't, u can't. Up to now, you might think that " Yeah, I've heard that as many times as a took my breath...", BUT izzit? If you have think that thoroughly, why are you not succeeding?

What I think at first, the factor of us not succeeding is that the factor of: 1) the age; 2) our models (as in the budget we have, not the girls who displays dress and walkout sexily); and 3) courage.

These are the 3 factors of why we can't succeed in the first place. But he told us something, something that we couldn't think of, but it is actually right behind our minds. IDEAs, ideas are the real deal of getting rich, or at least lead us to the way of getting rich. For example, do you all know who created Facebook™? Wiki it, the creator and founder of Facebook™, that should let you eliminate the 1st factor on the resistance of you getting rich.

Now as for the budget, I would like you to sincerely to hand out your wallet and cellphone, and walk to any malls/supermarket, and make as much money as you can in a limit of 2 hours. An Mission Impossible? Tom Cruise did it... No la, just joking. But the fact of trying this and succeed this task, the possibility of you getting poor, is 0%... Why? This is due to the ideas you came up to try and figure out to obtain as much money as you can with $0... These types of dudes/chicks who tried this, would be an entrepreneur someday, make money with thin air... XD

By doing this, you would need a mountain size full of courage, am I not right? No? Yes? By you earning your 1st pay, you would also need alot of courage too... with the activity done in the mall (assuming u have done it...), you will have the courage to fight Dante bare handed... XD

Actually, we all are fit and capable of getting rich, just that are you willing to do it? Me? Oh no, of cause not. Not because of me without balls, it just that my preferred career requires me to have a certain standard of certificates (Ph.D. is needed as a full-time professional consultants on Environments)... But with this types of mindsets, I can guarantee your success as an entrepreneur someday...

Cheers =)