Monday, April 19, 2010

A Down Weekend = Most Unfortunate Weekend


Do you remember last time I blogged about being Barney? The Awesomeness just came overflow like larva... O, that's not it should be placed to describe it, well then, just came overflow like fountain... that should do it... Anyhow, I truely are at a path of being awesome (practice mode), but hell the weekend just kept turning into a nightmare... To those who chatted with me over MSN or phone, I might not seems like I'm down to the Earth, but HELL YEAH I AM!!! I'M DOWN LIKE SHIT ONLY!!!

Yeah, the title explains it all... To tell ya the truth, to practice the awesomeness factor number 1: Think LESS, Do MORE... is not a fairly easy task... Tell ya why. Last week, I set for my resit paper. There I've start thinking, Why the hell I scored a C- in the first fucking place?? Leading me to sit for this fucking exam for the second time... Wasting my precious time, my energy and my money... I cursed on and on... and there is no end to it. Well, the exam came out disappointing; Anything I studied, not all came out, formula of the maths I've spend few freaking day to memoriez, I forgotten it when I saw the paper... Unfortunate things came on and on, as if I was cursing myself in the first place...

That's a sad thing to happen to me, well AS IF you all know how this was like... To add this pressure up, my thesis title, SOOoooooo Sadly to say, my title was on the tip of a blade... meaning? It will fall anytime, or even cut my freaking self... To be honest, this title was my second title after Ms Wong rejected my 1st title, which she complained the supporting journals are as old as your grand-dad... Old journals, REJECTED... Luckily, that time was still early for the confirmation of my thesis title, but the second title, I face some of the probs... there will be some overlapping with a senior's work which that senior had presented last year... GREAT OH GREAT... Of all the 10 million science topics we could discussed, why there is a clash on titles?? Pure bad luck? or izzit the gods are on to me? I don't know, and I don't give a freaking care... Now the date line for the title submission along with supporting journals are so goddamn near, the only thing i can say is... "FUCK FACE BETUL"....

Come on, this pathetic little me is just a piece of shit to ya, and still you wanna get on to me?? wad do i owe you?? and these probs are just the beginning, but also the most crucial factor on my breakdown, again... There are tonnes of it too... just that I don't really wanna talk about it...
NOW, I'm a piece of shit... later on, I might just turn this unfortunate weekend to a PERFECT WEEK next week... Don't freaking JINX me... I needed that week, but of cause not nailing 7 chicks in a row for 7 days... =)

Sorry for the rudeness... I just needed to release abit... Next blog, hopefully on Wedness or Thursday would be on EP service for my internship in UKM... Please Look Forward to it...

Alex The Down...

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