Friday, June 12, 2009

Chemistry and Bio of Life

Well, since I'm studying science subject, lets start off with chemistry and biology for the day. Chemistry, I assume everyone should know what is that (approximately) and the same goes with Bio. Good, then it seems to save my time typing and juicing words out of my brain to explain what are those two studies really are. =)
Chemistry is where atoms and molecules come to play their part in confusing our mind and make matters complicated. Bio, on the other hand, is there to teach us how to keep mankind survive and avoid extinction (not just us though, animals too). These two subjects are considered the most basic and the most important subject. Try to think about it, see what is the consequences if your dad doesn't know anything about reproduction? You won't call him 'dad' in the first place nor you exists. Now do you believe these two subjects felt abit more than just books and reports? If you do make it in the practice, these studies could really contribute alot.
For those bloggers who are from the same course or subject, you might think you don't agree with me, but trust me, we overlooked alot of things. With the knowledge we have today, we only focus on the subjects we are having, but let us think another way round. Because of the time needed to work or study, we have completely ignored what we should accomplish from these courses we are doing. Sometimes, i do feel like I'm in the wrong course as my other studies such as business management and computer studies are far more achievable than my chemistry and biology. And sometimes i do feel like changing my profession. But when I think about it again, what is the reason for me to choose this course? Answer, interest and dream. I came from an IT background which my parents are doing IT. What i expected is that, do I really want to sit in the office doing 9-5pm jobs? Neh, I'll pass. Science subject could let me fly anywhere inorder to explore more and discover the true nature of the world (High expenses needed though). For me, explore, learn and discover more new things are the most interesting thing to be. I do aim to explore the Bermuda Triangle... if that is even possible.
So its not really about the subject we are doing, but the true intention and dreams we want to achieve will surely guide us through our path, hoping to contribute more to the society, and to make use of the things we have wisely. Don't let the trees being kept in the museum and being charged a dolar and a half to see it in the future. ^^

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the world of blogging bro..=) interesting post u got there..=)..totally agree with you on the sitting in the office from 9 to 5 thing..XD
